National Children's Science Congress

State Level Children's Science Congress, Karnataka
A programme of NCSTC, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
State organiser:

Karnataka Rajya Vijnana Parishat

Vijnana Bhavan , N0, 24/2, 21st Main Road, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore – 560070
Phone : 080-26718939, Mobile : 9483549159

How to make posters

Take four (4) numbers of 55 cm x 70 cm (21.6" x 27.5") drawing sheets (i.e. chart papers). You get drawing sheets in different colours. Posters for oral and poster presentations should be the same.

In one of the posters write the title of your project in large font followed by the names of your group members (in smaller font). If you are doing your project in language other than English, give the English name also (because your posters are for all India presentation). The size of the letters used in the title should be such that it is visible to everybody in the presentation room. Some interest will be created about your project only if the audience knows the name of your project.

There is no need of writing the word 'Title' as you write the title. The title should be short and it should not cover more than two lines in the drawing sheet.

Your posters should contain information on (1) The project title, (2) Names of the group members, (3) Objectives, (4) Map of the area, (5) Methodology, (6) Results, (7) Conclusion, (8) Solution to the problem. Depending upon the nature of the project the poster may or may not have a map and/or results.

By now you must be thinking how to put so much of information in only 4 posters. Does it look impossible? Cool! This is where you get a unique opportunity to show your talent. Isn't it a challenge? Let's proceed systematically and we shall take the challenge with courage.

Do not write on the drawing sheet directly. Make 4 sample posters first. Take 4 sheets of ordinary paper and plan out each poster. Are these posters giving an overall idea of your project? Once the first set is prepared, make corrections, add and delete and prepare a second set. Go on repeating the process till you are fully satisfied. (Remember the popular saying, "Rome was not built in a day”; be patient). The final outcome of this process is the 4 posters you need. Now transfer these to the drawing sheets.

If you, however, try to cramp a lot of information into these posters, you are in for real trouble. You should try to write the information given in one paragraph in your project report in a single line or so. For Example, in your report you have given a detailed description of a survey work done (i.e. what the survey was, how you have done it, number of samples, difficulties etc.) but in the poster you will simply write: "Survey done among 100 families/persons". So, everybody will know that you have done a survey and during presentation you also remember to tell about your survey work once you see this line. If somebody wants to know more, you will be asked/contacted. You have done an advertisement of your project; anybody interested will come down to know more. The two main aims of the posters are (i) to use them as an aid during presentation, and (ii) to attract others and create an interest by giving a comprehensive overview of your project.

In the posters you can use pie diagrams, histograms, graphs, photographs, cartoons etc. However, do not use such diagrams/ photographs about which you do not have a clear idea. Also do not unnecessarily distract the attention of the audience to the posters from the actual presentation.

You can use ink, colour pencils, sketch pens and colour papers to prepare your posters. You can even think of using locally available vegetable dyes (from plants, flowers and fruits) to colour your posters.

Use more than one colour in each poster. Say, if you write one line in red, the next line may be in blue. This will make the posters legible and will break the monotony. Letters used in the posters should not be smaller than 2 cm in height, otherwise they will be illegible from a distance. Keep a gap of 2-3 cm between lines. Remember that a person sitting in the last row in the presentation room should also be able to read your posters without any difficulty.